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Scalar Fields

Scalar Fields
may be purchased at any of these merchants:

Buy the CD

Amazon CD Baby Best Buy PayPal iTunes

VirginMega Borders Waldenbooks Tower CDNow





may be purchased at any of these merchants:

Buy the CD
Amazon Borders CD Baby iTunes

CDNow PayPal Tower VirginMega Waldenbooks


If you live in northern Massachusetts in the Nashoba Valley area, Scalar Fields and Bichromial may be found at these locations:

Groton: NOA Gallery: 978.448.2959

Acton: Deeply Effective Therapy: 978.263.5588



Please contact me to purchase these CDs:

  KastningSiegfried: Binary Forms

  KastningSiegfried: Book of Days

  The Kevin Kastning Unit







                             Greydisc Records t-shirt:  $15.00

                         100% cotton, long-sleeved, black
