
Kevin Kastning: 12-string extended baritone guitar, 12-string alto guitar

Sándor Szabó: Classical guitar, 16-string guitar

Recorded 22 September 2009 at Evangélikus Templom in Nógrád, Hungary

Recording engineered by Roland Heidrich

Recording mixed by Sándor Szabó at Tandem Records Experimental Studio; Vác, Hungary.

Cover photography by László Hutton. www.huttonlaszlo.hu

Kevin offers special thanks to Sándor Szabó; Balázs Major; Zsolt Kollár; Cecilia Bozzay; the people of Nógrád; Roland Heidrich; Richard Hoover and everyone at Santa Cruz Guitars; Daniel Roberts at Daniel Roberts Stringworks; Mary Faith and everyone at John Pearse Strings; Brian Zolner and Casey Dowdel at Bricasti Design; László Hutton; Karen; Therese, and God.

Sándor offers special thanks to Kevin Kastning , Zsolt Kollár; Cecilia Bozzay; the people of Nógrád; Roland Heidrich; László Hutton; Mary Faith, and everyone at John Pearse Strings; Brian Zolner and Casey Dowdel at Bricasti Design.

Kevin Kastning plays Santa Cruz Guitars, Daniel Roberts Stringworks guitars, Emerald Guitars, John Pearse strings, and flies Anvil Cases. Kevin records with microphones by Microtech Gefell.

Sándor Szabó plays John Pearse strings.