Triple Helix, the new album by Kevin Kastning, Carl Clements, & Soheil Peyghambari, is released worldwide by Greydisc Records on 14 January 2025.

Kevin Kastning: 36-string Double Contraguitar, 28-string Double Contraguitar, 18-string Contraguitar, 17-string Subcontraguitar

Carl Clements: Tenor and Soprano saxophones

Soheil Peyghambari: Bass Clarinet, Bb clarinet


Track listing

1. First Chirality
2. Molecular Folded
3. Orthogonal Matrix
4. Enter Polytope
5. Second Chirality
6. Scalene Torsion


Listen to tracks here.


 Special Thanks

 Reviews and Quotes


Triple Helix is available here:

